Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pictures part 2

OK Here we go again...trying more pictures! Apparently I've fixed a few of them on my laptop, but they're also not appearing on my desktop through the network...hmmm.

YES I'm aware there are still more missing (poor Zerlina!) Still digging them out of the network.

Don Giovanni!

I didn't actually sew these costumes, but I was the Costume Director (what does that mean anyway?) of the Taconic Opera's production of Don Giovanni this year. Basically I took measurements, picked out the costumes and made sure they fit (well mostly at least...there were a few issues, as there always are!). I have a few pictures to show everyone...more should be coming around Nov 2nd or 4th. For now...enjoy! NOTE: To those who find their picture not in this post...or the next one, I haven't ignored you...I've been having a few upload problems tonight :)